Sunday, February 03, 2013

B.I.O. TECture’s Hybrid Shades Double as Solar Hot Water Collectors

B.I.O. TECture’s Hybrid Shades Double as Solar Hot Water Collectors:
b.i.o. tecture, biotecture, bio-tecture, solar hybrid shade, green design, sustainable design, green building, solar hot water collector, solar thermal, green building, energy-efficient building, sustainable architecture, sustainable building, los angeles
LA-based B.I.O. TECture is an integrator and manufacturer of unique building-integrated solar hot water collectors. The company’s flagship Solar Hybrid Shades™ basically serve as a shading system for buildings. The breakthrough is that they have incorporated solar thermal collectors into the shading elements, giving architects and building owners an innovative one-two punch of improved energy performance and beautifully integrative design.
+ B.I.O. TECture
b.i.o. tecture, biotecture, bio-tecture, solar hybrid shade, green design, sustainable design, green building, solar hot water collector, solar thermal, green building, energy-efficient building, sustainable architecture, sustainable building, los angeles b.i.o. tecture, biotecture, bio-tecture, solar hybrid shade, green design, sustainable design, green building, solar hot water collector, solar thermal, green building, energy-efficient building, sustainable architecture, sustainable building, los angeles b.i.o. tecture, biotecture, bio-tecture, solar hybrid shade, green design, sustainable design, green building, solar hot water collector, solar thermal, green building, energy-efficient building, sustainable architecture, sustainable building, los angeles b.i.o. tecture, biotecture, bio-tecture, solar hybrid shade, green design, sustainable design, green building, solar hot water collector, solar thermal, green building, energy-efficient building, sustainable architecture, sustainable building, los angeles
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